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Foundation Repair: What You Need to Know

Your home’s foundation is the cornerstone of your property, and it’s essential to maintain it to protect your most valuable asset. Foundation repairs can be expensive, so it’s essential to be aware of the signs of damage and how to prevent them. Take a look at some common causes of foundation problems, signs of foundation damage, and repair methods so you can take the necessary steps to protect your home.

Causes of Foundation Problems:

The root cause of most foundation damage is moisture. Extreme wet and dry conditions can cause the soil beneath your foundation to shrink and expand, weakening the structural support. Other causes include soil movement due to changes in the water table, trees that grow too close to the foundation, and poor drainage. These factors can lead to foundation cracking, shifting, or settling.

Signs of Foundation Damage:

It’s vital to catch foundation issues early. Common signs include cracks on interior and exterior walls, uneven floors, sticking doors and windows, and gaps in cabinet alignment. Another red flag is if the flooring in your house feels uneven or if some portions of the foundation appear noticeably lower than others. If you notice any of these signs, it’s time to call an expert.

Foundation Repair Options:

Foundation repairs can be costly, but it’s essential to fix the issues early to prevent further damage. If the gap that has formed underneath your foundation is not significant, you can consider handy fixes. Minor damage, such as small cracks, can be repaired with filler and caulking. For more significant repairs, you can consider slabjacking, a technique where a liquid mixture is injected beneath the foundation to raise it back to its original level. Resurfacing or replacing floor coverings such as carpet, tile, or hardwood will be required to fix associated damage.

Preventative Measures:

Preventing foundation issues is always more cost-effective than repairing them. Here are some ways to protect your foundation: Ensure that your gutters are clear and in proper working condition, ensure that the downspouts are pointed away from the property, maintain proper watering routines in dry seasons, and install a French drain around the perimeter of the foundation if waterlogging tends to occur.

Your foundation is the foundation of your home, and it’s critical to take good care of it. Monitoring for signs of damage and taking measures to prevent any damage can ensure you avoid repairs. Regular inspections and maintenance can help you identify potential foundation issues before they become worse. Work with a reputable foundation repair company and have your foundation inspected annually to protect your property investment.

For more information, contact a foundation repair company in your area.